How Acupuncture Can Treat Toothache Pain

What is older? The ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture? Or the practice of dentistry? Acupuncture began eight millenia ago when early practitioners began to understand that pain was attributable to blockages in energy pathways. Acupuncturists could release those obstacles with knives and fishbone and, by doing so, relieve pain. Dentistry is much older than that. An apparently infected tooth, partially cleaned by flint implements, was found by archaeologists and dated to approximately fourteen millennia ago. In 2017, the authors of a study theorized that Neanderthals were using some rough form of dental tools as early as 130,000 years ago. By a long shot, then, the earliest dentistry is much older than the earliest forms of acupuncture. Second question, though. What does acupuncture have to do with dentistry? Acupuncture treatment relieves toothache pain Acupuncture treatment can relieve the toothache pain that you may experience after dental procedures. Even better new...