Are Orthotics the Answer to Your Foot Pain?
The pain is a sign that something is wrong. People usually wait until something is hurting a lot to look for a therapist or a doctor. We encourage you to look for help before the issue gets graver. In this blog, we will discuss your options when feeling foot pain. It will improve your life quality and boost your mood! What are Orthotics? Orthotics are customized forms made for your feet. You place them inside your shoes for comfort and to prevent your heels or feet from aching. We recommend you look for orthotics near you if you experience discomfort when walking. A doctor must evaluate you first to determine if you can fix the problem with these! The causes for the discomfort can be excessive running, inadequate shoes, arthritis, and even diabetes. What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar fasciitis is a condition in which the ligament of the foot sole is hurting. It may heal by itself in about two weeks; however, you may benefit from an orthotics treat...