What Questions Should I Ask A Massage Therapist Before Treatment?
Getting a quality massage from a qualified therapist is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Not only does it feel great, it can also help with all kinds of issues, from tight muscles to injuries. With that said, just like it’s important to choose the right doctor or dentist, it’s important to select the right therapist as well - and that means asking lots of questions before you receive massage therapy near you. What Eduction And Qualifications Do You Have? In the same way you’d ask a chiropractor near you about their educational background, you should do the same with your massage therapist. Unlike other provinces in Canada, Alberta doesn’t actually regulate massage therapy. This can not only make it difficult to assess the background of the therapist you’re seeing, but it could even be a safety concern - despite the images you see in the media, a massage can actually be a fairly intense treatment, and getting one from someone who doesn’...