What Questions Should I Ask A Massage Therapist Before Treatment?


Getting a quality massage from a qualified therapist is one of the best things you can do for yourself. 

Not only does it feel great, it can also help with all kinds of issues, from tight muscles to injuries. 

With that said, just like it’s important to choose the right doctor or dentist, it’s important to select the right therapist as well - and that means asking lots of questions before you receive massage therapy near you. 

What Eduction And Qualifications Do You Have? 

In the same way you’d ask a chiropractor near you about their educational background, you should do the same with your massage therapist. 

Unlike other provinces in Canada, Alberta doesn’t actually regulate massage therapy.  This can not only make it difficult to assess the background of the therapist you’re seeing, but it could even be a safety concern - despite the images you see in the media, a massage can actually be a fairly intense treatment, and getting one from someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing could lead to injury. 

With that said, you should ask your therapist if they’ve received training from an accredited institution.  Generally speaking, they should have completed at least 2,200 hours of education and training. 

You can also ask them if they’re a member of an association in Alberta (either the Canadian Massage & Manual Osteopathic Therapists Association, the Massage Therapists Association of Alberta, or the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada). 

Long Have You Been Practicing For? 

While credentials and training are extremely important, experience also counts for a lot as well.  If you’re seeking massage therapy in SW Calgary, you should ask your therapist how long they’ve been practicing for. 

While being new to the job may not necessarily be a deal breaker, it is a factor to consider, and someone who’s been practicing for a while will simply have a better understanding of human anatomy than someone who’s new. 

What Kind Of Massage Should I Get? 

The kind of massage you’ll be getting is important to consider, and will depend on what exactly you’re hoping to accomplish. 

For example, a sports massage is a far different thing than a Swedish massage, and the results you can expect from each will be different as well.  While your therapist may specialize in a few specific types, they’ll very often blend those styles to help you get the results you’re looking for. 

Either way, you should speak with them to find out what style is right for you and what to expect. 

Can I See Some Reviews From Other Patients? 

Just like you’d want to see reviews from past patients if you were seeking a chiropractor in SW Calgary, you’ll also want to get a review from a potential massage therapist as well. 

Seeing reviews from past patients is important for a few reasons.  First off, it’ll give you an idea of what to expect from your first session.   

But it will also help screen for someone good.  After all, if your therapist really is confident in their abilities and performance, they should not only be willing to provide reviews, but eager to do so. 

How Should I Expect To Feel After My Massage? 

While a massage can be a relaxing experience, it’s usually quite a bit more vigorous than most people expect. 

If you’re new to all of this, you should definitely ask your therapist how you can expect to feel in terms of discomfort, both immediately after the session and the next day.  The answer will usually depend on the type of massage you receive, but your therapist can provide more details to help you set your expectations going in.


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