What is Functional Nutrition?
You are what you eat, right? We have heard this sentence before, and it states nothing but the truth. A person that consumes nutritive food shows that they care for their mind, body, and soul. See it this way – your body guards your mind and soul; hence, you should give it good things for it to feel good! Food gives us the energy we need to carry on with our daily assignments. What better than eating according to our needs and not our impulses? In this blog, we will talk about our program of functional nutrition in SW Calgary . It is a plan to feel good and be healthy. Functional Nutrition Functional nutrition is not about a restrictive diet; on the contrary, we urge our patients to eat the nutrients they need. We teach them to eat real food and less refined products. However, nutrition is not one-size-fits-all. Your meals will vary depending on your lifestyle. It will depend on your habits, daily activities, and medical conditions. Don’t Let Instagram Fo...