What is Acupuncture and How Does It Help?

Acupuncture is considered a medical treatment that involves the stimulation of particular points in the human body using a pointed device such as needles to penetrate the skin. It dates back to early Chinese civilization. Today, various studies conducted in Europe and the USA have proven that acupuncture therapy near you is effective in dealing with nausea and pain.

A Comprehensive Guide on Acupuncture Therapy in Calgary

Acupuncture is a slightly invasive procedure that stimulates the nerve on the skins surface to influence the different functions of the body, organs, glands, and tissues. Once the licensed chiropractor in Calgary inserts the needle, it creates a minor form of injury that tells your body that it has to respond. The proper response of your body is to encourage the circulation of blood to the affected area, modulate the pain, heal the wound, and activate your immune system. In some cases, the patient may experience a minimal amount of discomfort.

The Concept of Acupuncture

Understanding the Chinese philosophy behind acupuncture can be a bit tricky since the ancient practices will not depend on medicine and science. They believe that the human body comes with an invisible life force known as ‘qi.’ When the qi is properly circulating, then the person should have excellent physical and mental health. When there is a deficiency or if something is blocking the flow of your life force, it would generally lead to illness.

This concept may not be too unbelievable. Our body will not function optimally and will be more prone to different sicknesses if we are constantly feeling anxious and stressed. By staying calm, your body will work harmoniously. Once the chiropractor near you conducts acupuncture, your body will be in a balanced state, providing relief to the discomfort that you are experiencing.

How Does it Help?

People will be curious about acupuncture due to a range of reasons. For instance, if you are looking for a treatment for your sinus pressure and chronic headache, acupuncture can relieve the symptoms and conditions. Also, acupuncture in Calgary has proved to be effective in mitigating the symptoms or treating illnesses such as strokes, sprains, depression, anxiety, allergies, morning sickness, migraines, osteoarthritis, chronic pain, menstrual cramps, hypertension, and insomnia. There are existing studies that suggest that acupuncture is an effective complementary treatment for multiple sclerosis and cancer. Nonetheless, further clinical studies are necessary to confirm the benefit of acupuncture.

Does it Hurt?

Not a lot of us will be thrilled about getting acupuncture due to our fear of needles. However, you should not be too concerned about it. You may feel slight discomfort, pinching, or a sting while the acupuncturist is inserting the needle. Once the needle has penetrated your skin, some acupuncturists will manipulate the needle by rotating or twirling it. Some will subject it to a mild electric current. If you are experiencing a severe type of pain, you should inform your chiropractor in Calgary to adjust the treatment procedure. According to some experts, the numbness and tingling sensation that you are feeling is necessary to achieve the desired healing effect.

After the acupuncture in Calgary, the patient should feel relaxed and energized. However, you should also be aware that not all of us will respond to the treatment immediately. If the symptoms did not disappear after two weeks of treatment, then you may not be an ideal candidate for this treatment. The benefits that this treatment procedure can offer cannot be measured. Many people find this useful in controlling a range of pain and conditions.


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