Massage Therapy for Lower Back Pain


Nobody wants to be in pain. It decreases your life quality and has an impact on your daily mood. When you have an injury, you feel stressed, unhappy, anxious, and in severe cases, you can’t even sleep.

If you have lower back pain, it can be quite stressful. If this is your case, we recommend keeping reading because we have the best chiropractor in Calgary looking forward to helping you!

Massage Therapist in Calgary

As we mentioned above, we have a team of excellent professionals that are available to help you ease the pain. Studies show that massaging the area is an effective treatment for chronic back pain, and if you don’t have backache but want to prevent it, you can also look for massage therapy near you.

Keep in mind that the pain is how your body tells you that there is something wrong; therefore, visiting a chiropractor near you for prevention will reduce the risk of injuring your lower back.

What Can You Expect?

As for the treatment, the first thing your doctor will prescribe is medications. If the pain is moderate to severe, he or she will treat it with pain medication, such as Ibuprofen. They might also prescribe specific creams to reduce the inflammation, cold or hot packs, and lots of rest. Resting is essential to alleviate any pain that you may have.

Combining all these things is excellent to feel better; nevertheless, there is another successful treatment – massage. It’s not that the methods above don’t work; on the contrary, they do, but combining them with massage therapy can make a huge difference. People who go for conventional medical care plus the massages experience faster recovery than the ones who only adopt the usual treatment.

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

There is no one specific cause that ends up in back pain, but possible causes include a muscle or ligament strain, arthritis, osteoporosis, and period pain.

Also, a common factor for lower back pain is to have soreness in your muscles. When your muscles are not relaxed, for example, after a very intense workout, you can experience the ache in your lower back. Massaging the area will reduce the tension and provide you with wellness.

How Can You Prevent Backache?

As we mentioned above, you can look for the best chiropractor in Calgary, even if you are not injured. When it comes to your health, well care is the best way to prevent any issues.

Sick care focuses on treating the symptoms of a disease, while the objective of well care is treating the possible causes before there is a problem. Keep in mind that your health is the most valuable thing; therefore, prevention is the best alternative to avoid severe back pain (and any other pain whatsoever).

Manage Lower Back Pain

Combining medical care and alternative methods is the best way to treat a back injury. If you are in pain, don’t ignore it. Postponing treatment will only worsen the situation, and you deserve good life quality.

Keep on reading to know some tips to treat backache:

  • Regular massages with a chiropractor.
  • Make sure to always warm out before your workouts.
  • Engage your core while doing any activities, if possible.
  • Train your core as well. It will keep your spine safe and stable.
  • Stretch after every workout.
  • Rest is essential. If you tend to perform high-intensity training, rest at least one day a week.
  • If needed, visit a doctor that prescribes the right anti-inflammatories.

If you are interested in undergoing massage therapy for lower back pain, feel free to visit our centers at your earliest convenience.


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