Improving Your Digestion with Acupuncture
The Theory Behind Acupuncture For Digestion
In TCM, our stomach is believed to be the cooking pot that cooks and breaks down the food we eat to release the nutrients contained in it. The spleen is the fire that heats the nutrients and transports them to the rest of the body in the form of energy. It is believed that a good balance between raw food, and rich and spicy food, is required to keep the body’s digestive fire going. Each person’s digestive system differs from the others, and an examination conducted by a licensed acupuncturist at an acupuncture clinic near you will help determine the right treatment plan for you.
Patterns Of Digestive Problems That Are Treatable Under Acupuncture
According to TCM, common patterns of symptoms indicating problems with your digestive system are:
- Fatigue, loss of appetite, bloating or loose stools due to spleen deficiency.
- Acid reflux, bad breath, constant hunger and belching, caused by stomach overheating.
- Bloating, constipation and abdominal cramps caused by food stagnation.
- Weight-gain, feeling of heaviness and gas related to phlegm-damp accumulation.
- Epigastric distention, bloating, constipation, rid side pain, neck aches or stress caused by liver Qi stagnation.
If you are experiencing these or any other symptoms related to digestive system disorder, a chiropractor in SW Calgary can work on the acupuncture points for digestion located on your abdomen, arms, legs and back to treat those issues.
Digestive Issues Treatable Under Acupuncture
The World Health Organization recognizes some common digestive disorders as treatable through acupuncture. A chiropractor offering acupuncture in SW Calgary can help reduce your discomfort from the following problems:
- Constipation - It is one of the most commonly treated digestive disorders that can be completed in a single visit to an acupuncture clinic near you. However, more chronic forms of constipation often require a long-term solution to clear the food accumulation.
- Diarrhea - According to the theory of TCM, dampness in the digestive tract is the cause behind occasional and chronic forms of diarrhea. This can be treated through acupuncture by strengthening the digestive system, after clearing and warming it.
- Ulcerative colitis - This is a form of inflammatory bowel disorder that has been treated under TCM for a long time now. The treatment has gained popularity in western countries as well due to its effectiveness and success.
- Indigestion - Acupuncture has long been known for regulating the acidity levels in the stomach and restoring the normal functioning of the small and large intestines. It is widely used to treat bile reflux and intra-esophageal acid reflux which are the main causes behind indigestion.
- Gas - As per TCM, gas or bloating is a result of food stagnation, bad food choices and a weak digestive system. Strengthening the digestive system through acupuncture can reduce the formation of gas in the process of food digestion.
- Ulcers - The cause of ulcers is long-standing digestive disorders that ultimately result in acid erosion of the internal stomach lining. Unresolved digestive system diseases weaken and thin the internal walls of the stomach and the digestive tract, allowing the formation of ulcers. Acupuncture can help to a large extent in reducing the levels of stomach acid to curb the development of ulcers.
Acupuncture techniques can help in improving digestion in various ways. It regulates metabolism, reduces stomach acid and strengthens the muscle contractions and relaxations of the digestive tract to provide relief from the above-mentioned common digestive disorders.
To avail of the services of our chiropractors certified in acupuncture and TCM, contact us at Calgary Spine & Sport.
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